For the past 20 years, I've focused my teaching and research primarily on combining sport science with music practice. This specialty has shown a great versatility, from developing peak performance in the most challenging repertoire to inclusion of students with special needs.
Please get in touch for further info.
© Jennifer Borkowski - Content 2023
Lectures and Workshops -
Atemnot: Peak Performance und Sportwissenschaft für Musiker, Wissenschaftseminar, Insitut für Musik Physiologie an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, November 2022
(Shortness of Breath: Peak Performance and sport science for musicians, Academic Seminar, Institute for music Physiologie, University of Music and Dramatic Arts, Vienna)
Inclusion UND Spitzenleistung – Geht Doch!, Symposium "All Inclusive!?" am 12./13. Oktober 2018 Universität Mozarteum Standort Innsbruck. October 2018
(Inclusion AND Excellence - It Works!, Symposium "All Inclusive?!" University Mozarteum, Innsbruck)
Hold that Thought: Feedback as a Catalyst of Change, Superar General Assembly, Vienna, 2016
Inclusion and Excellence Through Periodization and Democratization of a Children’s Choir, Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, Art in Motion, Munich, 2016
Moderne Spieltechnicken für die Querflöte,Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Vienna, 2016
(Modern Playing Techniques for the Flute, University of Music and Dramatic Arts, Vienna)
Building Technique - Building the Self, Sistema Europe General Assembly, Vienna, 2016
Peak Performance: It’s in the Timing at Performing Under Pressure - International and Interdisciplinary Symposium: 46thAnnual General Assembly and Symposium for Sport Psychology, Munich, 2014
Workshop, Neue Spieltechniken = Neues Training, (New Techniques = New Training) Universität Mozarteum, Innsbruck, 2014
Changing Practice Paradigms, Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA, 2014
Intentional Breathlessness in Composition, Pedagogy and Performance, College Music Society National Conference,
Cambridge, MA., 2013
New Approaches from Performance Science, Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA , 2013
Changing Practice Paradigms, Longy School of Music, Cambridge, MA 2012
Poster, Fit to Play: The fitness effect on physically challenging flute repertoire, Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, Art in Motion, Munich, 2010
Flute masterclass at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz for students of Dieter Flury, 2010
Issues of Stamina in New Music: Answers from Sports Science, Karl Franzens Univesität Graz - SysMus, International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, 2008
Guest Workshop at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz, Extended techniques for flute for students of Herbert Weissberg, 2007